By Geoff Shackelford | (June 04, 2019)
It’s in the hole!
Loopers hits a hole in one!
Carl Spackler is back as a grizzled narrator!
Cannes, you missed out not showing Loopers.
Sorry, doing my worst KFRQ-TV movie ad blurb tryout.
We don’t get many great golf films so run out and see this wonderful look at all things caddie. Here’s the list of theaters and just some of the cameos include: Ben Crenshaw, Michael Greller, Carl Jackson, Rick Reilly, Nick Faldo, Greg Puga, Curtis Strange, Fanny Sunesson, Lee Trevino, Tom Watson, Steve Williams and Fuzzy Zoeller, plus rare footage from Augusta National!
Josh Sens with a rave review at,